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Trip to Kotachadri Hill

It's my 8th time to the Kodachadri Hills and each time has been different and beautiful experience. This time I realised that the trip to Kotachadri is very simple, very natural and a basic requirement to be in touch with the Nature.

I got a call from my home asking me if I could join. Not thinking twice, I immediately booked the ticket for the next available train and I was home before they expected me. After a lazy day at mom's home, we started the trip early morning.

Here is the route we chose this time-

1. Train from Mangalore to Baindoor
2. Bus to Kollur-
3. Bus to kodachadri ( kollur- Hosanagara bus)
1. Jeep to Nagara
2 KSRTC bus to Baindoor
3. Baindoor to Mangalore local train.

We started the hike. On the way, we visited the Krishna temple. It was lovely hospitality. Sharing the music with them, we had a heart purification..  The water they offered was so so energetic !! Putting Kadale at the canteen nearby was fulfilling. Then started steeper way that really turned us little adventurous and made us realise the condition of our nervous system and how healthy we have kept our bodies!!! To our surprise, the kids made it very easily...  A lovely dog accompanied us through the way.

Reaching to the top, we had quite a comfortable stay, very cold indeed! The next morning, we went to the top of the hill which is called Sarvajna peeta. The mandir of Sri Sankaraacharya was very appealing and heart touching. That made the atmosphere very divine. Divinity combined with the purity of Nature. Wow.

Others in our troup went to the other other side of the hill, getting down on a much steeper path which is called Chitramoola. This time I didn't feel like going there somehow. We took a jeep and we made it back home at night. The train journey made it much easier and interesting.

There is lot of peace felt because the abundance beauty of nature makes us realise that all our worldly problems just don't matter. Really don't matter. The small things we worry about, has really no meaning in a bigger view... Trips like this makes us really broad minded and light hearted. Our connection with the nature, universe is much much more valuable than anything else in the world. Also, the love and concern for the nature makes our life really meaningful.

Also the hiking pumped up the heart so much energising every cell of the body, and also increasing the willpower. The flush of blood in the body is truly felt. It is like inner body bath!! It is also a great moment for a family get together, keeping aside all appointments, worries and business aside and getting together with pure joy and love! 


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